Successful FAT critical measurement with ABB Fidas analyzer

Here is an update from our colleague Jessica Rossetti after a successful critical measurement FAT:

“Monday was a great start to the week, receiving a new customer at ASaP.

After being involved in engineering several projects over the past 2 years, I had the pleasure to conduct my first FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) together with Fulco from our service team. This project is for a critical measurement using an ABB Advance Optima Fidas analyzer which was installed in an optimized panel, containing utility and calibration gases, and sample eductor that allows accurate flow control towards the system. I am happy to say the customer was very happy with our performance and the quality of the system we built.

The panel is going to be installed at the customer’s site, where they are engaged with innovative PU-based technologies to improve its process quality. I am looking forward to many successful FAT’s in the future!”

Successful FAT critical measurement with ABB Advance Optima Fidas analyzer with Fulco van Neijenhof and Jessica Rossetti
“the customer was very happy with our performance and the quality of the system we built”

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