Kaombo offshore platforms: ASaP expert interventions

ABB NGC8209 successful revival at Kaombo offshore platforms by ASaP offshore maintenance engineer Jonatas Reis

At Kaombo North, an ABB NGC8209 natural gas chromatograph, which had shown serious issues over the past two years, is now fully functional. This revival marks a big step towards enhancing production efficiency.

CEMS analyzer shelter completed with our valued partner ABB

CEMS Shelter ready for inspection with our valued partner ABB

Earlier this year ASaP successfully completed CEMS analyzer shelter in corporation with our valued partner ABB. The individual hydrocarbon measurements are handled by an ABB PGC5000 A+C and the remaining CEM components with an ABB Advance Optima 2000 analyzer.

ABB EasyLine analyzer series

ABB EasyLine analyzer series blast furnace

The ABB EasyLine analyzer series is both a powerful and affordable line of instruments for the monitoring of gas concentrations in numerous applications. ABB offers three series of extractive gas analyzers catering to a diverse range of industries and applications.

Successful FAT critical measurement with ABB Fidas analyzer

Successful FAT critical measurement with ABB Advance Optima Fidas analyzer with Fulco van Neijenhof and Jessica Rossetti

After being involved in engineering several projects over the past 2 years, I had the pleasure to conduct my first FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) together with Fulco from our service team. This project is for a critical measurement using an ABB Advance Optima Fidas analyzer which was installed in an optimized panel, containing utility and calibration gases, and sample eductor that allows accurate flow control towards the system. I am happy to say the customer was very happy with our performance and the quality of the system we built.

Reid vapor pressure analyzers RVP4500 Series

Reid vapor pressure analyzers RVP4500 Series

Increase your gasoline blending profits with the Reid vapor pressure analyzers RVP4500 Series and automatic air saturation of the sample. The ABB RVP4500 Reid vapor pressure analyzers accurately measures Reid Vapor Pressure throughout the gasoline range and its feed stocks. The RVP4500 Series offers a simple, reliable, compact, single cell design that requires minimal operator interface, …

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Total Sulfur Analyzer – Process gas chromatograph PGC5007

Total sulfur analyzer solution - Process gas chromatograph PGC5007

The PGC5007 Total Sulfur Analyzer performs analysis for a range of streams, liquid and vapor, from natural gas to gasoline and diesel. A fixed volume of sample from the process stream is injected via a sample inject valve. Air transports the sample into the furnace, where it oxidizes the sample to carbon dioxide, water and sulfur dioxide. …

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ABB Advance Optima Integrated analyzer system solution

ABB Advance Optima Integrated analyzer system AO2020 and AO2040 product showcase

The ABB Advance Optima Integrated analyzer system has a modular design that offers a long-term security in your investment. Analyzer modules can be freely combined into tailor-made solutions and upgraded or extended with new features at any time. Remote modules are easily attached and centrally operated.

Natural gas analyzer – ABB NGC8200 series gas chromatographs

Natural gas analyzer ABB NGC8209 gas chromatograph

The natural gas analyzers from the ABB NGC8200 series natural gas analyzers represent the most rugged, economical, and high-precision on-line gas chromatographs in the industry. Designed with flow computer and chromatograph capabilities for energy metering, the NGC8200 series provides not only best-in-class, on-site analysis, but also offers a highly versatile platform that integrates many of the …

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ABB Multiwave ultraviolet process photometer PUV3402

ABB Multiwave ultraviolet process photometer photo

The ABB Multiwave ultraviolet process photometer PUV3402 is designed for the UV (ultraviolet) and VIS (visible) spectra regions. The ABB Multiwave photometers provide continuous measurements in complex streams which allow for fast reactions to process changes. The fast analysis provides optimum control of a process and improves its safe operation. Measurements can be made in liquid or vapor streams.

Fast Process Gas Chromatograph ABB PGC5009

Fast Process Gas Chromatograph ABB PGC5009

ABB announces the release of the PGC5009 Fast Process Gas Chromatograph, the newest addition to ABB’s gas chromatography product portfolio. A relatively small shift in the cut point (the threshold temperature for good product) for any refinery product can cost refiners millions of dollars in profits. In the absence of fast, accurate and reproducible boiling …

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GoreVega Portable Flight Case C9+ Natural Gas Analyzer

ASaP and GoreVega Portable Flight Case C9+ Natural Gas Analyzer ABB NGC8209 Gas Chromatograph

For our partner Gorevega in Aberdeen, ASaP has developed a Portable Flight Case C9+ Natural Gas Analyzer to be used mainly offshore. The Flight Case System performs on-site natural gas analysis and heating value computation using an extended analysis. Features Portable fight case for offshore travel Weighs less than 66 lb (30 kg) Modular design …

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E.ON installation with BTU analyzer and ABB NGC8209


Recently ASaP successfully installed a combined system of two analyzers at the E.ON Powergen location Maasvlakte; the Orbital GasPT2 and the ABB NGC 8206. E.ON required a fast Wobbe index measurement for turbine control and a quality measurement of their feed gas. In order to be prepared for the future the ABB gas chromatograph measures …

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ABB signs Distribution Agreement with ASaP

ASaP ABB Cooperation

The ABB Measurement Products distribution sales network is being extended with a long-term partnership with Analytical Solutions and Products B.V. (ASaP) for which the agreement has been signed on June 25th, 2014. ASaP, as an authorized distributor for ABB Measurement Products, will advise customers in the industrial & process automation markets on the total ABB …

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