Genie GPR Probe Regulator – A+ Corporation
The GPR™ consists of a housing and a membrane-tipped probe regulator. The housing is installed in a depressurized pipeline through a vertically mounted thread-o-let or flange
Analytical Solutions and Products
for good measure
Pressure regulators are valves that control the pressure of a fluid or gas to a desired value. Regulators are used for gases and liquids. Pressure regulators can be an integral device with a pressure setting, a restrictor and a sensor all in the one body, or consist of a separate pressure sensor, controller and flow valve.
The GPR™ consists of a housing and a membrane-tipped probe regulator. The housing is installed in a depressurized pipeline through a vertically mounted thread-o-let or flange
CC2 SeriesCompact Two-stage Cylinder Pressure Regulator The CC2 Series compact two-stage precision pressureregulator is well suited for instrumentation applicationsrequiring a precise and stable delivery pressure. Thisregulator was originally designed to meet the needs of theinstrumentation industry; however, it would also be veryuseful in many other applications that require a compacttwo-stage pressure regulator to supply a …
COM-1 SeriesCrossover Manifold Regulator System The COM-1 Series crossover manifold system consists oftwo PR-1-type stainless steel regulators (PR-2-type brass,optional) mounted on a panel-mounting-type bracketshown with optional gauges. The primary regulator,supplied with a tamper-proof nut, is set at an outletoperating pressure at least 15 psig higher than thesecondary regulator (supplied with a standard adjusting knob). As …
COM-2B SeriesCrossover Manifold Regulator System The COM-2B Series crossover manifold system uses twoPR-1-type stainless steel regulators (PR-2-type brass,optional) built in a single body functioning as thechangeover regulators with the common outlet portconnected to a single line regulator to provide constantunchanging supply pressure unaffected by supply sourcedepletion. All are mounted on a bracket complete with gauges. …
CPR-1 SeriesCompact Stainless Steel Pressure Reducing Regulator The CPR-1 Series is a compact pressure regulator withmost of the same internal design features employed inour time proven PR-1 Series. This regulator was designedto provide optimum performance as a “lecture bottleregulator” for pressure control in any application wherea small size and low internal volume are required. The …
CYL-20 SeriesCorrosion-resistant Two-stage Pressure Reducing Regulator Precision pressure control is now possible with the CYL-20 Series regulator. This two-stage regulator, constructed of 316L stainless steel and Teflon®, has less than 0.01 percent outlet pressure change with varying inlet pressures and is designed for use in gas calibration systems and semiconductor materials processing.With materials of only …
CPR-5 SeriesCompact Stainless Steel Pressure Regulator The CPR-5 Series pressure control valve is designedfor service at high flows with good sensitivity andregulation utilizing a small footprint. While the designwas originated for gas systems, this valve is perfectlysuitable for liquid systems that are compatible withthe materials of construction. Also of interest is the factthat while being …
Cyclone Single or Dual Element Bypass-type Filter The Cyclone filter’s unique design provides anunsurpassed combination of rapid response, minimumdead volume and high efficiency filtration. Using theproven bypass design, a large sample flow is passedthrough the filter body so the sample transport lag timeis minimized. Only that portion of the sample needed forthe process analyzer passes …
CYL-2 SeriesTwo-stage Brass Cylinder Gas Pressure Reducing Regulator The CYL-2 Series is a precision two-stage regulator wellsuited for instrumentation applications requiring a preciseand stable pressure source. This pressure regulator wasdeveloped to meet the needs of the instrumentationindustry, but is also well suited for other applicationsrequiring precision pressure supply. The development of this series provides the …
CYL-1 SeriesSingle Stage Brass Cylinder; Gas Pressure Reducing Regulator The CYL-1 Series is designed as a complete compactpressure control module. The basis of this unit is theeconomical PR-2 Series pressure control valve which iswidely used in instrumentation sample systems as well asmany other applications requiring maximum reliability.This regulator, when ordered with appropriate gauges and CGA …
CYL-3 SeriesHigh Pressure Economy Brass Cylinder Regulator The CYL-3 Series is an economical brass high pressureregulator, designed to accept inlet pressures up to3600 psig and deliver outlet pressures from 0–100 psigup to 0–2000 psig. This single-stage brass regulator isperfectly suited for cylinder usage with non-corrosivegases. Good regulation characteristics are provided by acarefully engineered piston sensor. …
GO Regulator CYL-21 Series Pressure Regulators Corrosion-resistant Single Stage Cylinder Regulator The GO Regulator CYL-21 Series Pressure Regulators are compact cylinder regulator based on the time proven design of the PR-1 single-stage line regulators. While normally used for low and moderate flow service, optional high flow orifices are available. The standard unit is equipped with …
F-4 Series In-line Filter This filter is designed to be used as a standard in-linefilter or it may easily be threaded into a pressureregulator or valve body for inlet protection. If desired,we will install this filter for you into any of our standardpressure control products prior to shipment. For your special requirements, this filter can …
F-6K In-line or Bypass Filter The F-6K in-line or bypass filter has been designed withbar stock construction to provide reliable and economicalfi ltration of streams having pressures up to 6,000 psig(41.37 MPa) at 70° F (20° C). Materials of construction (standard) are 316 stainless steel and Teflon® for maximum service capability at economical prices. If …
LG-1 SeriesUltra Miniature Pressure Regulator The LG-1 is an ultra-miniature pressure regulator thathas many of the same features found in the time-testeddesign of the CPR-1 & PR-1 Series pressure regulators.Designed for surface, panel or manifold mounting,the LG-1 offers the utmost in versatility to the systemsdesigner. It’s low internal volume of less than 2.7cc makesthe LG-1 …
PR-1 SeriesAdjustable Pressure Reducing Regulator The PR-1 Series is a versatile pressure reducingregulator designed to fulfill a wide range of needs ininstrumentation sample systems and other applicationssuch as semiconductor processing gases. Manyfeatures of the PR-1 make it ideal for a wide range ofapplications controlling pressures at low to moderateflows in gas or liquid service. 316L …
GO Regulator PR-50 Series High Pressure Regulators Diaphragm-type High Pressure Regulator The GO Regulator PR-50 Series High Pressure Regulators are designed to meet the demands for outlet pressures up to 2000 psig while maintaining superior corrosion protection. For reliability in operation, this precision regulator features a stainless steel body (optional brass) which provides maximum corrosion …
GO Regulator PR-59 Series High Pressure Regulators Designed for low and high pressures up to 4000 psig inlet, the GO Regulator PR-59 Series High Pressure Regulators pressure reducing regulator controls high flow with its Cv flow coefficient of 1.2. Though normally supplied without self-relieving capability, this feature can be added as an option. While primarily …
PR-57 SeriesHigh Pressure Corrosion-resistant Regulator (10,000 psig Inlet) To meet the demands for the safe reduction ofinlet pressures up to 10,000 psig, GO Regulator hasdesigned the PR-57 Series regulator. This precisionregulator features a piston sensing design whichprovides the operator with low adjusting torque requirements when setting the outlet pressure. The body is constructed from 316L …
SPR SeriesSubatmospheric Pressure Regulator The SPR Series Sub atmospheric Pressure Regulator is designed for the introduction of a low vapour pressure reactive or purge gas into a sub atmospheric process. The large diameter diaphragm provides optimum sensitivity for sub-atmospheric or positive pressure control. Standard features allow service in many varied applications including corrosive fluids and, …
COM-2P SeriesCrossover Manifold Regulator System The COM-2P employs two discrete single stage PR-1-typeregulators built into a single body. These regulators serveas the primary and secondary changeover regulators withthe common outlet port connected to a single PR-1 Seriesregulator. This allows for the non-stop delivery of gas frombottles with only a 0.01% change in outlet pressure as …