New in our service contracts is the possibility of ISO-10723 validation. If the validation option is selected, ASaP will perform a validation after preventive maintenance of the system.
With the validation, the accuracy of a system can be compared to a reference standard. ASaP supplies an ISO-10723 accredited CRM (Certified Reference Mixture) to use for the validation. This standard is traceable to national standards.
In a CRM, the uncertainty is known for each component in the mixture. With that information a report will be prepared containing the deviation of the measurement with respect to the CRM. This report will be added to the service report.

Contact Our ISO-10723 validations specialist today
For personalized assistance and further ISO-10723 validations inquiries, please contact our specialist at ASaP. We are here to help and provide the support you need.
Contact our ISO-10723 validations specialist directly
You can contact us is you have a question about ISO-10723 validations when it suits you. See our specialist’s contact information below.

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