The latest update regarding continuing our transitioning from Ametek to a whole range of new, high-quality, and innovative products. This time we’re excited to announce our collaboration with JP3 Measurement and their range of optical analyzers.
ASaP is committed to providing our clients with value-driven and dependable online process analyzers. Our approach is centered on simplicity, focusing on creating systems and analyzers that are both effective and straightforward, particularly in challenging environments and for complex applications.
JP3 Measurement specializes in optical analyzers
JP3 Measurement specializes in optical analyzers that offer real-time composition and physical property measurements, maximizing operational efficiency and output. Their Verax analyzers stand out for accurate measurements, minimal downtime, and low maintenance, enhancing safety and efficiency in transport and loading operations. Their optical hydrocarbon analysis technology, leveraging patented NIR optical methods, delivers rapid results without the need for sampling or filtering, promising longevity and reduced upkeep costs across upstream, midstream, and downstream applications.
Explore the vast capabilities of JP3 Measurement’s optical analyzers. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on our expanding product lineup. Don’t miss the latest in optical analyzer innovation! For further details or to schedule a demo, Contact our analyzer specialists.
We anticipate bringing our customers many advantages from the partnership between JP3 Measurement and ASaP.
JP3 Measurement news and analyzer products
JP3 Verax offers real-time gas composition analysis
Verax Technology, developed by Flotek Industries and JP3, offers real-time gas composition analysis, enhancing efficiency and safety in industries like hydraulic fracturing. Utilizing advanced spectroscopy, it rapidly determines gas composition onsite, optimizing usage and compliance without the need for laboratory analysis. This innovation revolutionizes gas management, enabling informed decision-making and cost savings across various sectors. …

JP3 Measurement for optical hydrocarbon analysis
The latest update regarding continuing our transitioning from Ametek to a whole range of new, high-quality, and innovative products. This time we’re excited to announce our collaboration with JP3 Measurement and their range of optical analyzers. ASaP is committed to providing our clients with value-driven and dependable online process analyzers. Our approach is centered on simplicity, …
Green fuel from biomass – Renewable gas measurement
The micro Gas Chromatograph instrument is designed for continuous gas mixture monitoring in industrial process and factory automation applications.decarbonization and sustainable energy sources. This article delves into the role of green fuel and renewable energy measurement solutions in achieving these goals, particularly within the framework of the European … Read more

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For personalized assistance and further JP3 Measurement inquiries, please contact our specialist at ASaP. We are here to help and provide the support you need.
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