What is GasPT Gas Properties Transmitter
The GasPT is an online transducer that provides information regarding the physical properties of natural gas – hence the name natural Gas Properties Transmitter.
What does GasPT do
GasPT, or “Gas Properties Transmitter,” is an online analyzer that provides the following physical properties of natural gas:
- Calorific Value (CV) / British Thermal Unit (BTU)
- Wobbe Index (WI)
- Relative Density (RD)
- Compression Factor (Z)
- Methane Number (MN)
- Total Air Requirements (TAR)
How does GasPT Gas Properties Transmitter work
The Gas Properties Transmitter measures a number of easily monitored physical properties of a sample of gas from which it infers a composition. From the inferred composition GasPT uses ISO 6976 to calculate Calorific Value, Density, Relative Density and Wobbe index.
The innovative use of proven technology combined with industry proven analytical experience has resulted in a breakthrough in measurement.
Using three discrete sensors the instrument derives the critical properties of natural gas:
- Density
- Thermal conductivity
- Primary influencing inert gas
Along with the measured elements GasPT infers a composition for the natural gas mixture, which it then uses to calculate gas properties via ISO6976.
Measurement Uncertainty
The uncertainty of information of the physical properties calculated by GasPT is equal to the uncertainty when using gas chromatography. However, the speed of response will reduce the overall uncertainty. When integrated with our VE Technology® sampling system (GasPTi), the total uncertainty can be reduced to 50% of that typically available with chromatography.
How is GasPT Installed

GasPT is straightforward to install, similar to a pressure or temperature transmitter. With our VE Technology sampling system it can be installed directly on the pipeline. The electrical/data connection is provided through a safety interface, which is supplied as standard, providing certification for Zone 1 hazardous areas and for certain applications Zone 0.
Why choose Orbital’s Gas Properties Transmitter?
This unique combination of features enables GasPT to eliminate the anachronisms found in traditional gas properties analyzers:
- Near real time and continuous analysis enhances sampling frequency eliminating uncertainty
- The lowest operational cost of any equivalent instrument
- Installed in Hours NOT Days
- No utility or carrier gas required
- Accredited industry standard accuracy
- No ongoing calibration required
- Virtually no maintenance required
- No configuration or set-up required (“Plug & Play”)
- No highly skilled personnel needed for day to day operation
GasPT approvals
- Fiscal Approvals: OIML R140 – Class A
- Class 1 Div 2
- Hazardous Areas
- Class 1 Div 2
- Zone 1
Orbital’s gas analysis applications include:
- Natural gas quality
- Fiscal metering
- Gas properties/composition
- Natural gas hydrocarbon dew point
- Liquid analysis (e.g. LPG and liquid propane)
- Sulphur/Mercaptan analysis
- Moisture analysis
- Oxygen analysis
- Hydrogen analysis
- CO2 analysis
- Ethylene manufacture
- Drying process enhancement
- Mercury measurement
- Trace contaminant measurement
- Petrochemical applications
- Process and monitoring applications
- Safety applications
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