Introducing Lorenzo Rossi

Lorenzo Rossi - ASaP - Address and contact persons

Hi my name is Lorenzo Rossi, I was born in August 1995, and I grew up and studied in my hometown in the northeast of Italy, Trento.

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering in May 2021 and started working as a freelance right after, with the objective of getting a strong base with modelling and drawing software.

What drove me on this path was my passion for 3D printing, that gave me the opportunity to develop the skills I would be using on the job, masking them as a hobby.

My journey at ASaP started in November 2023, after a very quick interview process, I joined the engineering team, where I’ve immediately felt as part of the group.

The environment is challenging and engaging so I feel like this is a great opportunity to grow further.

I can’t wait to see how this journey will continue, if you have a challenge or a learning opportunity feel free to contact me!