NOx converters by Bühler Technologies

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NOx converters are used to convert NOx. In order to protect life and the environment, the emission of nitric oxides must be reduced and monitored. To allow the use of cost-effective analysis methods, e.g. infrared technology for monitoring the NO2 content in the emitted gas, the sample is catalytically converted to NO. This is achieved by using electrically heated small reactors filled with various catalyst materials for different applications. Energy-efficient operation of these NOx converters requires the operating temperature to be as low as possible. This also will prevent CO production. “Long life” reactor cartridges are available to ensure extended operation. The converter series BÜNOx 2+ offers high energy efficiency, converter materials with a high conversion rate, and an optionally integrated bypass valve. The on-board NOxCal service controller provides data for predictive maintenance.

Bühler Technologies NOx converters product range

Gas Converter BÜNOx 2+

NOx converters by Bühler Technologies Gas Converter BÜNOx 2+
NOx converters by Bühler Technologies Gas Converter BÜNOx 2+

In order to protect humans and the environment, the emission of nitric oxides must be reduced as much as possible. In order to use cost-effective gas analysis methods, such as infrared technology for the monitoring technology, the NO2 rate in the emitted gases must be catalytically converted to NO.

The conversion takes place in small reactors with electric heating, which are filled with various catalyst materials. Energy-efficient operation of these NOx converters – thus the entire analysis process – requires keeping the operating temperatures as low as possible. It’s also important the materials used in the catalysis process do not generate additional CO and have a long service life.

The BÜNOx 2+ converter series offers high energy efficiency, converter materials with a long service life and, thanks to the standard maintenance calculator, particularly reasonable operating costs.


  • 19” rack mount housing
  • Optional bypass solenoid valves
  • Optional long-life cartridges (extended service life)
  • Low temperatures for high efficiency
  • NOxCal service controller for predictive maintenance
  • Optimized menu navigation
  • Easy cartridge replacement without tools
  • High conversion rate > 97%
  • High NO2 resistance

In addition to the above NOx converters, ASaP B.V. can quickly deliver all spare parts for sample gas pumps, coolers, and probes.

  • Filters
  • Filter elements
  • Condensate Drains
  • Tubes (hoses)
  • Valves
  • Pump Heads
  • Bellows
  • O-rings
  • And everything else

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